Attention: Anyone Who Wants to Lose Weight for a Special Event OR Everyday Life

Do You Need to Lose a Few (Or Alot) of Pounds? Do You Have a Special Event Coming Up?


Now you can tap into the same little talked about strategy that I used to lose 100 pounds in record time. This may be the most important thing you’ve ever read, because it can unlock the secret to a thinner, healthier, happier YOU. Keep reading to discover how...


Dear Soon-to-be Skinny,


How would you like to walk into your special event and have everyone notice you for all the RIGHT reasons?

What if you could quickly lose some weight, shape up, and look incredible before you get dressed for the event!?

Whether you're getting ready for a wedding, a high school reunion, or some other event, your appearance is on your mind. You want to look just as good as you did the last time others saw you - if not better.

But since life doesn't always have time for diet and exercise (am I right?), you may not feel that you're ready to RSVP for that special occasion until you lose some weight.

Do you want to look great for your old high school friends? Do you want to make a past boyfriend or girlfriend take notice? Do you want to be the one that everyone turns around to see when you walk into the room?

You can be THAT person, the one that makes everyone jealous.

Maybe you just want to feel better and your tired of the way your feet and back kill you at the end of the day.  Maybe you're  considering weight loss sugery but your hoping to find a better way with similiar results.

Not too long ago, I found myself in a similar situation and I had to do something about it...

There's nothing scarier than going to a reunion with people you haven't seen in over a decade. And I wasn't in shape at all. I was still carrying 20 pounds of baby weight, or at least that's what I told everyone.

I was tired, burned out, and I never had time to workout. I would avoid going out during the day because I was afraid to show others how I'd let myself go.

But when the high school reunion invitation came in the mail, something clicked for me. I WASN'T going to show up with these extra pounds.

I wasn't going to hide at home because I wasn't happy with my body.

I was going to DO something about it.

The truth is, I got LUCKY and found the method that WORKS.

In fact, it was so easy for me to lose the weight that my friends and family started to ask me for advice.

In just a few weeks, I was slimmer than I'd been at my high school graduation.

Heads turned. An old boyfriend hardly recognized me - and that felt pretty good.  Everyone asked me what I'd done and how I could look better than I did when I was 18.

Even today, I've kept that weight off and lost more than I thought I would be able to lose - all from using the tips and tricks that I'm going to share with you today.

You will be amazed at how great you will look and feel.


Problem After Problem

I had several problems. Do any of these apply to you?

  • Extra body fat that make your clothes too tight.
  • You don't love the way you look in the mirror.
  • Having no idea what to wear, because you feel like nothing will look good.
  • You're embarrassed for old friends to see you this way.
  • You have no idea how to get your body in shape.
  • You don't know which foods will make you keep your fat and which ones will make your body lose it.

If ANY of those apply to you, then you know the fear that I was feeling as I imagined myself walking into that reunion.

In fact it was more than just fear. It was fear, embarassment, and shame, all rolled into one. Which feelings are you experiencing?

Well here's the good news...


The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:

In “The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:” you will learn how to safely and effectively lose weight in as little as a few weeks. The concepts outlined in this book will allow you to change your eating habits, not only for rapid weight loss, but also for life.

In “The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:,” you'll learn the basics of weight loss that REALLY WORK.

These lessons are designed to make sure that you have the youthful body of your past, or even the best body that you've ever had. You don't have to avoid another special occasion ever again.

In this easy-to-read e-book, you'll work within these five easy concepts:

  • Stop bad habits
  • Start new habits
  • Slow and easy
  • Exercise matters
  • Eat less to fill up more

Just five small changes can add up… I know from experience. Before you know it, you'll be seeing results too!

But Wait.....

Weight loss experts say that you're supposed to lose weight slowly for the best results and for long-term success. I agree. But when you have an event coming up, time isn't on your side.

The good news is that there are healthy ways to lose weight and to keep it off, and you can drop more weight in less time. I did.

My doctor was amazed by how much weight I lost, and he was even more impressed by how healthy I'd become.

  • My blood pressure was lower.
  • My weight was lower.
  • My heart rate was lower.

I wasn't even trying to lose this much weight, and yet, I did!

What you might not realize is that losing weight is easy when you know how to do it right. In this eBook, you'll learn how to:

  • Stop your bad habits quickly
  • Feel full without eating more
  • Enjoy delicious special ingredients that help lose weight

All of these steps (and more!) will help you safely lose water weight as well as fat. While this is a strict program to follow at first, helping you lose weight more quickly than before, there is also a maintenance program that will help you continue to lose weight in a safe manner.

Without feeling hungry

Will This Be a Short Term
Weight Loss?

It's time to lose the weight for good!

While you may have tried other programs in the past that only worked for a short period of time, the easy maintenance program at the end of this program will allow you to stay as fit as possible for the long term.

Unlike other diet programs, with this one you get to keep the weight off.

Experts estimate that up to 95% of people regain the weight they lose while dieting, but that doesn't have to be the case anymore now that you have the “No-Knife Weight Loss Solution.”

Take a look at what others are saying about this program...


I Lost 15 Pounds in 2 Weeks!

I needed to lose some weight for my sister's wedding, and was really worried because I was running out of time.

Johnny Smith

Salina, Kansas

It's Never Too Late to ... Start Now!

You can start getting ready for your special occasion right now with “The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:” you'll be able to get started immediately so that you'll be ready before the big day.

In just a few minutes, you can download this 50-page book and implement my easy plan for success.

Before you know it, you'll be able to fit into that special outfit for the big event!

No matter when your reunion/wedding/event is, “The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:” will help you slim down and get healthier than before. You deserve the best, and you deserve to turn some heads.

How Much Will This Cost Me?

If you did this the “traditional” way, you would have started months ago, spent hundreds of dollars on fitness training and specialized diet foods, and put a lot of time and money into the effort.

If you hired a personal trainer, it would cost even more.

The only other way to get it done this quickly would be an expensive surgery, costing thousands of dollars (and requiring a lengthy recovery).

Yet there is almost no limit to how much this is worth.

After all, how much is it worth for you to look GREAT at your upcoming event?

How good will it feel to know you're at your best, and to see the reactions of others?

I spent a lot of time organizing this ebook into this easy-to-follow blueprint. Considering how much it would be worth to you, I could be selling this for $197 or more.

However, really want to help you! So instead of $197, I'm going to let you have it for only $99.00

But wait!

Since I just recently started selling this program, I'd like to get a few more testimonials for this page. I know you're going to be a success story.

So, instead of my usual price of $99.00 I'm going to let the next 50 customers (including you) grab it for only $49

 The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:

                    Mimicking Gastric Bypass Success Through Mindful Eating and Lifestyle Changes 

What are you waiting for?

At only $49 for you today, “The No-Knife Weight Loss Solution:” is a steal! That's less than you'll pay for a dinner out, and less than the cost of the outfit you'll be wearing to your big event.

If you're not thrilled with the program, just contact me and I'll make sure that you get your money back. In fact, if you don't lose weight, I don't want your money. No questions asked.

You have nothing to lose… but the weight. Now is the time.

YES - I want to lose weight starting now!

Normally $99
$49 today!

Click Here to Order Now